Thursday, 6 September 2012

Field Day "Improving efficiency and reducing emissions from beef production"

Field Day "Improving efficiency and reducing emissions from beef production"

Who: Australian Society of Animal Production (ASAP), New England Branch,
          University of New England (UNE)

Where: UNE's Tullimba research feedlot, near Kingston, west of Armidale, NSW, Australia

When: Augest 28, 2012 from 1.30pm to 5pm

Group of scientists from University of New England discussing about new research of methane emissions from ruminants

 GrowSafe systems, a tool for automatic record of feed intake and refusal in feedlot

A set of GrowSafe systems at UNE's Tullimba research feedlot

 Greenfeed gas emission monitor, a tool to measure emission from animal in an open system

Greenfeed gas emission monitor video

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